Frequently Asked Questions

Who maintains this site?

This website was created and is maintained by Krzysztof "noisy" Szumny. In most cases, he is the one, who introduce new features, which are so good-looking only thanks to work of Andrej Cibík - lead designer of this project.

How can I contribute?

This website was prepared in a way, that it could be maintained mostly by the community. This project is open-source, what means that everyone can contribute, by creating a pull request. Even if you are not a programmer, you can still help by adding information about new projects, which should be listed on Steem Projects or you can help by creating Comparision Grids.

What are grids?

Grids let you compare Steem projects to each other. A grid comes with a number of default items compared, but you can add more features in order to get a more specific comparison.

For now, we are trying out Steem Projects without the traditional tagging system, because we think that grids give us a lot more specificity.

What are categories?

Categories are broad groups of Steem projects into something more granular than Grids. A project can only have one category. Changing then requires backend work, and is not done lightly. This is intentional, done in order to make searching easier.

Which source control sites do you support?

Github and Bitbucket are supported.